Summer Run Solo

The Run

Summer Run Solo

Sun’s out, Runs out! Experience the thrill of running from wherever you are by taking on the Great Run Summer Run Solo. 

Solo Entry £15

What Makes it Great?

Bespoke finisher medal with matching pin-badge

Run anytime, any place

Log your runs with our online tracking tool

Personalised digital finisher certificate

Optional distance challenge award

Exclusive access to Great Run Rewards

Access to training plans and support

Summer Run Solo

Complete a minimum of 12 runs or walks (of any distance) between July 1 and July 31 and earn a sizzling summer-themed medal. Complete 30, 60, or 100 miles and a bespoke digital certificate (plus some serious bragging rights, of course). 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro, or looking to begin your running journey, this virtual training challenge is for runners of all levels, allowing you to run at your own pace, on your own schedule.  If you are taking part in one of our 2024 Great Run Autumn events, then this is the perfect tool to kickstart your training and ensure you’re race-day-ready. 

Taking part costs just £15*, which includes access to our cracking tracking tool, a red-hot medal, and a digital certificate for finishers. All entrants will also receive access to our exclusive Great Run rewards scheme with Endurance Zone, giving you fantastic offers and deals from some of the biggest sports brands in the industry. 

It’s time to heat up your miles – sign up today and take on the Summer Run Solo. 

*(Additional booking fee of £3.50 for overseas participants to cover the cost of shipping) 

Summer Solo Event Page Open

Complete 12 Runs this July

Your runs can be of any distance as take on your summer runnin’ this July. Just make sure you do at least 12 runs (or walks) by the end of the month to smash this summer challenge. You’ll receive your very own sizzling summer medal as a lasting memento of all the miles you’ve covered. Arriving in August, you can wear it with pride for your summer holiday.

(Optional) Accumulator Distance Award

Fancy an extra challenge? We have three optional distances for you to aim for. Depending how far you travel over your 12 (or more) runs/walks, we’ll award you a special digital finisher’s certificate to download and share.

30 miles – Summer Runnin’
60 miles – Hot Stuff, Cool Running
100 miles – Golden Effort

From 1st July, you can log your runs with our online tracker (here on this page), or use your own tracking app or device to record your activity if you prefer.  Once you’ve completed all your runs and reached your target distance, submit your results and we’ll have your digital finisher’s certificate ready.

Training Advice

Finding time to Run

Leonard Bernstein said, ‘To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.' Read More.

How To Avoid A Stitch

YOU’RE powering your way through a run or workout when suddenly you are gripped with a stabbing pain that threatens to bring all your efforts to a grinding halt. Sound familiar? Read More.

How to breathe – for runners

For most of us, breathing is unconscious: it’s just something we do (and, if we’re honest, take for granted). If you’re new to running, though, you might find yourself suddenly reminded of the importance of breathing – perhaps as you’re halfway up a killer hill and gasping for air! Focusing… Read More.

Embracing Easy Runs

Introducing the best-kept secret to running success: easy runs. Great Run is proud to partner with Runna – your personalised running coach app. As the official training partner of the AJ Bell Great Run Series, Runna is supporting our runners with comprehensive, expert-approved training content. No matter your… Read More.

How Can I Run Further? Adding in the Miles to get from 5K to a Half-Marathon and Beyond

If you can handle a 10k, you’ll nail a half marathon with a few months of smart training Read More.

The Challenge

Summer Run Solo

How it works

1 Sign up from 10am on Tuesday 18 June
and before entries close on 9 July
2 Start your activity from 1 July
3 (Optional) Log your activities throughout the challenge
4 Complete the challenge by 31 July
5 Submit your results by 8 August
6 Show of your hard earned medal with pride!
Solo Entry £15

Challenge FAQ

If you have questions about the Summer Run Solo challenge, see our FAQ section.

The Reward

Summer Run Solo

Solo Entry £15

Summer Medal

Complete the challenge by 31 July, and submit your results before the 8 August deadline, and we’ll send you a unique finisher’s medal (pictured) to celebrate your achievement.

Our summer challenge medal features a vibrant tropical sprayed design, with a matching pin badge, guaranteed to stand out and add some serious summer vibes to your collection. All this year’s Great Run Solo medals will feature a unique pin badge that be detached from the medal, so you can wear it with pride every day. Make sure you collect all the 2024 Great Run Solo pins, with the next challenge coming later this year!

Your entry fee also includes access to our online tracking tool – live here on the challenge page from 1 July – as well as access to Great Run Rewards, and support throughout the challenge.

Digital finisher certificates are available to download (and share!) when you submit your results and are available to download until the results submission deadline on 8 August.

Note for international runners: there is an additional £3.50 charge to cover medal postage. 

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  • We’ll treat your information with the utmost care and you can unsubscribe at any time. View our privacy policy here.

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