It’s the week before your big event. You’ve got plenty of miles in the bank, you’ve been tapering and you’re feeling fit – you’ve got this! Except…you’re also feeling a bit nervous.
Hey, it’s completely normal: even elite runners report feeling a little anxious in the run-up to a big event.
But if those last-minute nerves *are* kicking in, we’ve got some good news: a shakeout run might be just what you need for a bit of last-minute physical – and mental – prep.
So, what exactly is a shakeout run, and how can it help? Read on…
What is a shakeout run?
A shakeout run is, quite simply, a low-effort 10-30 minute jog a couple of days – or even the day before – your big event.
Imagine your easiest training pace, and then slow it down a little bit more. Really take it steady – during a shakeout run, you should be able to sing without gasping for breath.
What are the benefits of a shakeout run?
We’ve already talked about one benefit: shakeout runs can help calm your nerves.
If you find yourself fizzing over with anxiety in the run-up to your race, it’s a great way of getting rid of some of that pent-up anxiety. The endorphin boost will also help you to collect your thoughts, ground yourself and focus.
But a shakeout run can be a good idea physically, too. Shakeout runs wake up your central nervous system and get lots of blood pumping to your muscles, loosening you up and preparing you for the challenge ahead.
And perhaps most importantly, it’ll also help get your gut moving – so if you’ve been experiencing any *ahem* slowness in the bowel department, it should help you rectify things before race day.
Shakeout runs are becoming ever more popular, with many running organisations putting these on the day before big races to shake-off any nerves and warm up for the big day.
Should I really be running so close to a big event?
Opinions are a bit divided on this issue, and the truth is that everyone’s different. Some runners want to make the most of a rest period and conserve their energy; others feel like a ban on running makes them feel anxious and sluggish.
Don’t do anything that’s out of the ordinary for you, though – so if you don’t normally run the day before a big race, don’t shock your body by suddenly starting!
When taking part in a shakeout run:
DO run at a low intensity
DO run for at least 10 minutes
DON’T strain yourself
DON’T run for more than 30 mins
DO enjoy it!
And remember, our other top tips for a smooth and safe Event Day:
– Stay hydrated
– Eat familiar, healthy foods to fuel your body
– Get some high quality sleep
– Read your Event Guide
– Prepare everything you’ll need for the big day
– Plan your route to the start line and how you’ll get home
– Do things that help you relax – watch a funny film, read a book or spend time with friends
You’ve worked hard for this – we can’t wait to cheer you on!