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Training For The Great Manchester Run

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Out 10 Top Training Tips for the Great Manchester Run

If you’ve committed to the Great Manchester Run, congratulations!  And if you’re still thinking about it, we’re here to let you know that you won’t regret it.  We have some incredible race day entertainment planned – live music, cheer buses galore and the incredible Hacienda Zone to name just a few – and nothing beats the feeling of crossing that Deansgate finish line.  

Event Day Tips

Know what to expect - your Great Manchester Run route

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A 10k or Half marathon is a great goal, and both are fun (and challenging) distances to run.  But to really get the most out of it, you need a plan – so without further ado, take a look at our ten top training tips, whether you’re a GMR veteran or a first timer. 

Ready?  Here goes…  

1. Find a training plan. Whether you’re doing the 10k or the half marathon, a suitable training plan for your running ability is an absolute must – we’ve got plenty to choose from here.  Over time, you’ll build distance and stamina, plus you’ll avoid injury by taking it steady.

2. Set yourself a goal.  Even if you’re a first time runner, set yourself a goal.  It’ll give you something to aim for and help you push on through when the going gets tough.  Need some extra motivation?  Stick it up somewhere you’ll see it every day, like your bedroom mirror or above the kettle.

3. Track your progress. Psychologists say you’re more likely to achieve your goals if you monitor your progress.  Plus, your chance of success is boosted even more if you publicly record how you’re doing.  What more excuse do you need to join our Great Manchester Run Strava group or to post your sweaty training selfies on social media using #GreatManchesterRun?

4. Remember it’s not all about the running.  Find a focus that isn’t all about the miles to complement your running and build strength, endurance and flexibility while working different parts of your body.  FYI, yoga, swimming or weight training make excellent complementary activities.

5. Avoid an ‘all or nothing’ mentality.  Missed a day?  Hey, it happens to us all. Identify what derailed you to avoid it happening again, then let it go and get back on the running wagon ASAP.

6. If the shoe fits…  If you invest in one piece of equipment, make it a decent pair of trainers.  Running shoes are often one size bigger than your normal fit to allow plenty of room for expanding feet, but a trained fitter in a specialised running shop will be able to guide you towards your best choice.

7. Practice makes perfect.  A well-timed 5k or 10k in the buildup to the big event gives you something to aim for and reassures you that you’re on the right track. Where better to start than Parkrun…  failing that contact your local running group, or arrange one yourself with friends.

8. Mix it up.  Getting bored, or fancy an extra challenge?  Maybe try some different routes for variety, or add in some intervals and perhaps even a hill (or two if you’re ambitious).

9. Playlist power.  As it gets closer to race day, make a playlist of your favourite high-energy tunes to recreate some of that big event excitement.  Guilty pleasure and Manchester classics are a must!

10. Support a charity.  If you’re not already running for charity, consider signing up to support a cause close to your heart.  It’ll help give your training some extra oomph and help power you onwards on the big day.

 Good luck with the running!  You can find out more about the Great Manchester Run (and enter if you haven’t already!) here.

Spring Solo Entries Open Now


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