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Make The Most Of The Shortest Day Of The Year

Spring Solo Entries Open Now

It’s cold, it’s miserable and your get-up-and-go has…well, got up and gone. Yes, it’s that time of year again – the winter solstice is upon us, meaning longer nights, typically worse weather and, for many, a big dip in running motivation.

However, we’ve dug deep and found some ways to keep going when you really don’t feel like lacing up and heading out. Ready to feel inspired? Keep reading…

Treat yo’self. Now, you know we’d never advocate over-indulging in retail therapy (ahem…) but sometimes a little treat can be just the boost you need to keep showing up. And it doesn’t have to mean a big splurge, either – new trainers or kit is all well and good, but what about a subscription to a running magazine or ad-free streaming so you can listen to your favourite songs without interruption?

Brave the elements – and be seen. Often the hardest step is the first one out of the front door and into the cold, so make sure you layer up with a long-sleeved running top, long leggings and even a light running jacket if you need it. You can always strip off a layer – just make sure you’ve got some light reflective strips on show so that you’re visible to other runners, cyclists and cars.

Event Day Tips

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Mix things up. A big cause of feeling downhearted with your running efforts is heading out on the same routes again and again and hitting a plateau with your distance and/or speed. Challenge yourself during these darker days to find new, well-lit routes which allow you to see and experience something different. Sometimes a change is all it takes!

Set a goal – and shout about it. Goals are a great way to stay motivated, and making it official – committing to a regular run with a group or signing up for an official event – are powerful psychological motivators even when it’s cold and dark. Spreading the word in person or online is even more likely to lead to success – after all, you can’t let your friends down, can you?

Check out Great Run on social media. We take our job as cheerleaders for running very seriously, and our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Strava communities are friendly, welcoming places packed with tips and motivation. So stop the doomscrolling and head for a shiny, happy corner of the internet where you know you’ll come away feeling inspired and motivated – whatever the weather’s doing outside.

If you’re looking for motivation to keep you running through winter, why not sign up to take part in a running event with us? Head to our events  page to set your sights on your next challenge.

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