Getting your running posture right can make your runs so much easier. But getting it wrong can increase your risk of injury and restrict your progress. Don’t worry, there are some really easy ways to improve your running posture and we’ll take you through them below.
It’s a case of practice makes perfect, though, and seeing what sticks. Try the tips below one by one while you’re out for a run and keep checking in with it until it ‘clicks’. If not, move onto the next tip – don’t force it and watch your running posture improve.
Watch Your Breathing
Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, with pursed lips rather than mouth open wide, helps you regulate your breathing. But how does breathing help to improve your posture? Well, the exhale part of the breath cycle calms your central nervous system, helping your whole body relax – and making some of the following tips a bit easier.
Look 50m Ahead
Get your head upright and straight and everything else will follow. Not only that, but your hips and knees will be able to move without obstruction from a bent torso and you’ll be able to scan the way ahead for obstacles and trip hazards – a great way to improve your posture.
Relax Those Arms
Running like a cartoon character with your arms pumping and flailing all over the place can knock you off-balance – plus, it wastes valuable energy. Don’t swing across your midline or up to your chest; instead, keep everything relaxed, with upper arms hanging vertically and your elbows bent at around 90 degrees.
Shoulders Loose to Improve Your Running Posture
Relaxing your shoulders means you can breathe in to your full lung capacity, keeping your heart rate low. It also means you engage your core muscles, which helps keep that all-important running posture strong.
Feet Below Your Body
Landing your feet below your body rather than in front means you’re springing up and forward from a bent knee, propelling you forward with more energy. It also means you’re less likely to land on your heel, which acts as a braking mechanism. All in all, a key to improving your running posture.
Your running posture is one element that will make a big difference to your training and help you on the way to reaching your running goals. For more training tips, have a look here