Runner To Be Reunited With Finish-Line Saviour

To join Matthew and David on the start line at the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit

A RUNNER who needed help to cross a marathon finish line will be reunited with his saviour as both take on this month’s Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run.

David Wyeth was metres away from completing the London Marathon last month when he began to collapse with exhaustion, where fellow runner Matthew Rees joined a race official in helping David finish the event.

The scene became the iconic moment from the marathon – and now both runners will be reunited at this month’s Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run 10k on Sunday, 28 May, which is broadcast live on BBC Two.

The two runners were complete strangers before their meeting, but have communicated regularly since the London Marathon three weeks ago.

Matthew, from Swansea, will travel up to Manchester after being invited by event organisers The Great Run Company, and will line up alongside David, whose running club Chorlton Runners will have more than 80 runners taking part across both the 10k and the new half marathon taking place on the same day.

For David, it is an opportunity for him and his running club to thank Matthew for his selfless actions in an event, which is better known for individual achievements.

David said: “I’m really excited to be here representing a local club along with 80 other Chorlton Runners.  It is fantastic that Matthew will have the chance to meet so many of my club mates so soon after our London adventure!

“The Great Manchester Run was the first mass event I took part in when I started getting into running.  It is such an inspiring event and a great way to test yourself whether you are new to running or a competitive club runner.

“Participating for the first time was such a thrill taking to the streets of Manchester with such supportive crowds

“Everyone associated with Chorlton Runners will be delighted to see Matt, myself included, following his wonderful act of kindness in London – there will be such incredible support for him right around the course.”

Matthew was approaching the finish line of the marathon on The Mall when he spotted David, whose legs had turned to jelly, struggling ahead. He, and a race official, helped the stricken runner to finish.

He said: “It was more important to get David over the line rather than to focus on my time.

“I’ve been overwhelmed with the response this has had and I’m grateful for the organisers for inviting me along to this event.

“It’ll be great to see David again – in happier circumstances this time, though.”

Great Run Company chairman Brendan Foster, who was commentating for BBC Sport at the London Marathon, said: “The images of Matthew helping David to the finish line of the London Marathon were very special and captivated the BBC television audience.

“We are very happy to reunite them at the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run.”

To join Matthew and David on the start line at the Simplyhealth Great Manchester Run, visit