Jess Becomes 10K Runner With Help Of This Mum Runs

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A busy mum of three has transformed herself into a confident runner and will tackle her very first running event at the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10k thanks to a popular local Mum’s running community.

Jess Redfern, from St Andrews in Bristol, joined the This Mum Runs running community shortly after the birth of her third child. The 39-year-old wanted to be able to set a good example for her children to show that a healthy and active life is important.

After achieving more than she ever thought was possible, Jess decided to enter the event to achieve a 10k goal on Sunday 7 May.

She is also hoping she catches the running bug enough to tackle the Simplyhealth Great Bristol Half Marathon on Sunday 17 September.

We’re celebrating all of the #RealRunners who take part in the Great Run series. Share your running tales and fails across our social media.

Why did you first start running?

I first started running because I wanted to find a way to stay fit and active and wanted to set myself a challenge for 2017. I have three small children and often made excuses to why I could not exercise and I knew that something had to change.

When I first started out I could not even run one mile but after I came across This Mum Runs through word of mouth, I felt like it would be the perfect opportunity to create a challenge for myself. It soon turned into much more than that as I run every week with the group.

What is your main goal?

My main goal is to be able to be a positive role model for my children by leading a fit and active life.

Taking on running events in Bristol is an amazing opportunity to achieve that goal because through This Mum Runs, I’ve been able to take part in free exercise with a group which is fantastic motivation.

What do you love about running?

I love that running has helped me get my fitness back and that I am able to get headspace and thinking time when I run.

It’s also a great way for me to be able to take myself away from a hectic family lifestyle.

What do you hate about running?

The one thing that I don’t like about running is that the running sportswear is not very imaginative for someone who is very tall.

I am 6ft tall and I always struggle to not have my ankles sticking out oddly at the bottom of my running leggings!

Tell us about a running fail?

I once signed up to take on 5k but then I fell pregnant with my third child which was unexpected!

I thought that I would never be able to keep running while pregnant and thought about not taking part. I ended up more or less plodding around the course but I still made sure I crossed that finish line.